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Advanced & Extended Skill Posts
EV is keen to support registrars who wish to further develop skills in an area of special interest or to strengthen their existing knowledge by undertaking an advanced (AST/ARST) or extended skill (ES) subject to availability.
Rural pathway registrars can undertake both advanced and extended skills posts.

Rural Pathway
Registrars in the rural pathway also have access to Advanced procedural skills which includes:
RACGP Extended Skills posts (ES) and Advanced Rural Skills Training (ARST)
ACRRM Primary Rural and Remote Training (PRRT) and Advanced Specialised Training (AST)
In addition to working towards the FRACGP/FARGP or FACRRM, registrars will also be expected to achieve an end point (Certificate level or above) for their chosen discipline.

For more information:
Registrars are strongly encouraged to plan ahead and consult with an EV Medical Educator/Training Advisor regarding their training plan.
ASTs and ARSTs posts in Gippsland will be available (subject to funding and availability) via the Victorian Rural Generalist Program for 2021. Interested registrars on the rural pathway must seek approval and obtain a letter of eligibility from EV prior to applying for post(s). Please contact EV ‘s Churchill Office for further details and an ‘Expression of Interest’ pack.
Contact EV Staff:
Rural Pathway (Gippsland Region) Julieanne McLuckie, 03 5132 3100